Those who decline the tendency, the inclination I have on that very fine line between lunacy and geniality, I can manifest toward the latter can firstly go fuck themselves and after succeeding in your delighful premature ejaculation rejoice, jubilee upon the fact that my complete written works we're tossed in the trash by my dear mother. Thing is, way things are going, i could'nt be happier, my life's awesome right now and it is at this very moment that I attain the consideration for another side of that disaster, i can start anew.
Pretty darn good way to look at things...
Friends are fantastic, I do very much love all of you and hope to be in the next few phases in our lives that have such strenuous and demolished rendering tasks that there can't even be mentioned anything else.
Family is equally fabulous, oh such a very gay word, nonetheless, love remains. Thank you for all, sisters are cool, parents are smart and grandparents are sages of wisdom. Aunts and uncles are the essence of style and to you I too bow down in reverence.
(By the way, I do not intend to kill myself.)
Business is a poppin', girls are a jumpin' and friends remain lovely. New ones arrive that don't replace the others but have equal significance.
Lastly, my studies are stupendous and colleuagues, especially those of the female sex, are stupyfying, thanks a bunch y'all!
Anyway, all I want is to leave an ode of recognition, a song of warm feeling and groovy buzzes, it is the real dream that manifests itself across one's soul when he discovers happiness, simple and uncomplicated bliss. Thinks are just gonna get better.
Fecho em português pois será mais significativo e apelativo dizer a tal palavra ruim, muito amor para vocês eim?
YayYayYay! So happy you're happy!
Recognition at last???? We do love you very much indeed, Fred.
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