Even though, all matters considered, the whole of my life is just one big permanent vacation, I have, in these past couple of months, been tending to my relaxation.
Having said what was utterly unnecessary for all transcripted onto this humble blog of mine is but giberrish and imensely cocked up notions that i do indeed deserve and should be heard or read.
Commiting such profanity of befouling my own name i dounderstand that i can as of now move on to the next step.
I shall then claim, once again, abso-fucking-lutely nothing, just a neverending pit of moss and cess-pool of words that have no particular direction.
This trance of mine is offered due to an itch I have been feeling for quite some time now, that of returning to this lovely state of cathatonic writings, should I transfer unto these "pages" an experience of mine?
I do wonder, whether this is a good idea...
And here is my title:
On said day, which? No one refered the date, im being mystified already! Anyyyyyway, what happened was this boy i know, quite well (given the fact it is indeed myself), was feeling rather down. A number of events and propositions gone wrong turned out to engrose his feeling of loss and anti-warmth: shivering cold. A friend of his had popped her cherry with an undesireable mister, unworthy of such endeavour. A night out with some friends, a cousin and a near-cousin with a few jolly-rodgers we met later on to be precise. On such an occasion of folly and festivity, who doesn't want to fuck a lovely little libidinous lassy lady? But a gay man! And this i do not and shall never claim to be. (To all of yous out there, i mean no offense, keep on sucking whomevers cock you desire. I fancy lollipops too, but of the sweeter and un-surpriseful kind).
The evening started out with an eagerness to go to a certain club, which goes by the name of jamaica. Unfortunately, twas closed. Moving on to the next, and the next, and the one after that we only found closed doors. However, quite simply we treaded upon a club, awarding itself with a 3am strip spectacle. We went inside and exited once more to find a couple, more than, friends of mine. They said hi and we said hi. We went in, all of us, as a group. 3 portuguese indivuals to 3 other foreign lasses, we know it's goin' be on! A norweigan, an american form conneticut and a dutch little minx, to whom i extended my first step, to pay the remaining value of her drinks.
Come 3o'clock in the morning, it was time! She prominently took the stage in her red lingerie, full with drappings and silks and all that shite. She danced, she teased, they sleazed, they loved. We all did, including me, a virgin to these matters. Never had i ever, excepting the privacy of my own bedroom, glanced upon such a soirée. During the dance, a black old drunk who had been pestering us with his naughty dancing rituals kept asking us, the silenced and in awe tranquil persons, to be quiet. After the show we left to search, finding but a destination of ours closed for business, closed simply. On this oppurtunity i convinced my cousin to beatbox his way into the night. Spectacular! Superb, stupendous i say! We jammed alright.
We decided to go to a highly frequented place of the youngings of our nations capital: santos. On crossing the railway by bridge, by whatever brain stroke that tok over me, i proposed, as a jest, group suicide. The dutch lady, Nadine was her name, got utterly freaked out by this. We arrived at the bars and began drinking, a few moments later to this fact i kissed the norweigan on the lips a couple of times and others to prove to my friend and cousin. It was fun. The original three of us, on seeing some police officers chose to retreat a little further away to smoke some haxe, some desirable lovely cigarettenof marvels and wondrous states.
We rolled, we glued, we smoked. We got high. When the ladies found out of our possesions they immediately wanted to buy, and would´ve paid handsomely if it were´nt for the prat in control declining such an offer. Oh well. I then travelled back down the street to find they had all left. One of my friends to get most definately lucky with the american ho. The three musketeers we´re tired. We we´re to go home, catch a taxi cab. But i ran into a couple, a group of fellows, inquiring if i had some blow on me, which i did not. Fact is i don't ingest or inhale the high societys drug, i feel quite confident of my social status.
But there was a transaction, after borrowing some money from my friends ATM withdrawl i purchased what is known as a Hoffman, and more commonly recognised as an acid, fuckinhell!
Where was the place elected, chosen by my sprung out mind to ingest the first advised quarter. To take it slow and avoid risks they said, another thing at whic i was a virgin, probably the only two, these that i have refered. I sliced it and chewed it on the taxi ride to the pastry factory near home for a few cakies. We ate, i drank, i ate, we drank, it kicked in. My eyes started to blink incessantly and then open widely into the world before me. As of that moment undistorted yet with a feeling, a premonition of apocalyptical proportions. I began to act all golemely like making sounds and doing estranged movements, back and forth. I even ran. I lied down in the middle of the street for gods sake! A highly dense trafficed one even: ferreira borges.
I carried on immersed in this postsummer night dream and found myself eager to step the steps of my house. Four flights of stairs until i could go back home. And i did, i ingested the second quarter. Things eased down, hoffmans quieted themselves and i played virtual footie. A little time, and remind me never to waste so terribly such a rave required drug on a high of unepic proportions, what could have been? A little time before retreating yo my humble imediate abode, my chambers, i took the last half. When i layed on my bed i couldnt sleep. I just kept ruffling and moving about ferverously in an attempt to fall into my desired slumber. I kept wacking to try and induce the said sleep, didnt work. I must've wacked some 9 times that night and nothing happened! Thank god for orgasms or it would've been a waste! My wrinkled, tiresome cock, for the first time, waas of no use. Forgive me mighty mouse for defiling your reputation. Then the visuals: hell! Seriously, all these colours drowned my thoughts and worries, i saw hell in a monet canvas of splaterred brushed up reds and yellows, valleys and mountains. Horrifying! And then there was the chess match, with the devil. A game i do not play and an adversary of which i am unworthy. This went on for a while, and that night i did not get any sleep. All the while i kept having this taste, this ball of flavour robbed of its palate, at the back of my throat. I swallowed it but it never leaved.
The following day i kept a little drousy, even with a couple of showers and food in my system i was afraid of drinking any form and sort of liquid to avoid the continuing of the high.
The next night,and of this i cant be sure, i believe the effect was still rather latent for i kept on talking nonsense to this lovely beautiful girl who fooled me into believing she was french. This led my foul mouth to say some regretful profanities.
What have i learned, nothing. It was stupendous, the only lesson took perhaps is choosing to do this the next time at a slightly gayer place, and yes, i do mean happy. A setting of flowery bloom and musical boom.
So, ta ta to all.
I will see you and report on some other faithful event.
All my love.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.