C ontrary to all reasonable decisions, Deidre decided to persist straight into the heart of Europe, she hadn't been there ever in her life and if not for Curly's family in the North of Ireland it woud've been difficult to round up money for the overwhelming jorney across the altantic or perhaps through the other side.
Things were beginning to get uncommon with curly, what set out to be a bewilderement by his disposition to help slowly evolved into a certain quest for him to, she was very straightforward with her purposes but she was going to give in, the easy way with which they related to each other was too pleasent to overlook and so, as kinky as can be, on the plane after a couple of hours of conversation a couple of kisses exchanged with warmth and reservation they went to the bathroom at the back and curly had his way, she was happy but so focused on the task at hand that they didn't speak about it for a while.
After a weak of gaelic chants and the milking of massive cows Curly told Ma O'Reilly he was going to Italy and she got a cousin to take them by boat. Transportation was beginning to be sort of their thing because yet again the soft and sweet fornication did take place, on the front deck while the captain was fishing for Codfish. She finally sat down for a talk:
-Look Curly, I really like teh time we spend together and god knows you can take me to the moon once in a while but i don't know if we can afford these distractions at this point so if you don't mind i would really rather wait till we get home.
- But you see my darling, my love for you is vast, and to waste away a perfectly good meditaranean trip wallowing on something we shall carry out only on our arrival to me seems foolish, I would much prefer to continue our most luscious affair. The prime of our life is to be ceased as the only one we have my dear, never fear, for I shall guide you, and take you to the answer you so intend to receive. Okie Dokie?- and he delivered a passionate wet kiss to the swept heart of our little girl. She looked him over and read his eyes, a slight downward arch of her eyebroes accented her reticence but there was no denying how right this delightful man was so she kissed him once again and said:
-I could learn to love you.
-Well, my lesson is already learnt.
No better place to arrive for our recent pair but the city of Venice, they were beginning to relax a little more but work was hard to come by, Curly decided to take up a job as waiter in a cafe right at the piazza de san marcos and Deidre snuffed around for informationn while she found a place to sleep for her lover and herself. An abandoned palazzo and a couple of matresses and sleeping bags was the solution, and right by a river they could hardly identify. One night after Curly, Charles finished off work they decided to go for a stride and momentarily Deidre thought she spotted Jim but this was obviously due to the tired state in which she found herself, they decided to dine at a pleasant restaurant in the heart of the city and definately sink in to each other.
After the replenishment and chain estabilished between their enamorate gazes they left the place and being it a dark night charles though of something:
- What if we steal a yacht down at the dock?
-Are you crazy? Besides, the security is too tight for us to even try to conjure a way.
-I think I know of a way, our house has a basement, if i just swim under the barrier I'll be able to get in no problem and there's a dude at work who does these under the table paint jobs for boat's, he can also remove a couple of pieces to disguise the yacht.
-Okay I guess, i'm up for it.
Let's go then. Round up our shit when we get home and i'll pick you up.
When they arrived at home Curly put on some dark clothes and a black mask. He filled a bottle of water with air and drilled a hole on the top, put in a straw and dived in. Deidre was kind of fearful and got hold of everything as fast as she could, got to the entrance to the dock and tried to create a diversion by flashing herself to the guards, it was so effective that they let her in, she took them both to a booth deeper inside the compound and tried to stall with some dances for as long as she could. When she finally heard the alarm her heart dropped and she ran outside but curly had already gone. The adrenaline pumping through her veins made her run like a wild chita and she didn't stop until she was in a dark alley woth no exit and an obvious stench of trouble. Whe she turned back a couple of sailors with buff bodies and mommy tatoos apearred with groggy accents and ill intentions. They grabbed her and although she bravely struggled her way out of her grasp she was shoved by a third one into a boat and was brutally gagged and thrown into a cabin.
Next thing she knew she woke up to with a slpa on the face and the unfortuante news of her whereabouts:
-Did I not tell you to back down you medling cunt? Why would I warn you? For you to savour the victory more delightfully? I told you not to keep on chasing me and now you've forced me to do something i didn't want to do.
-What did you do to him you bitch!- and as she was struck again the chair fell to the floor.
-Watch your language, I owe it to your dad, who's a great lay by the way, to teach you some proper manner's of speach. Now listen up, needn't worry about your bravado lover because a couple of friends have already erradicated him from the face of the earth, but don't worry, it was quick and painless and I've something slighty more mind boggling for you my little tart.
As Deidre shrieked all the bones in her body seemed to crack and her mind collapsed into a gelatinous pile of dung.
-Have you ever heard of a Harem dear Deidre? Well, I shall explain. We have arrived in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, and I am about to sell you to an oil Lord with a Harem in the middle of the desert and an insaciable taste for young western girls. A harem is a place normally remote in it's location which serves the wishes of it's master. You shall enjoy the company of roughly a hundred women fighting for first string and when called upon you shall deliver your fanny as a sack of meat laid on the feet of rabies infected hounds. So you see, you're fucked.
-Well. doesn't matter. I like fucking, especially Jim, and with you. Fancy a fuck Becca or are you too conservative to suck the rift between my legs?
Becca gave a freaky and ravishing smile and grabbed her between her legs whilst kissing her with her pulsating red tongue.
They arrived on shore and after a few altercations with Jim, trying to understant the error of his ways she was led into a grim and smelly square full of huts and market trollies. They sunk deep into the city and entered an impressive palace that'd knock the white house of it's foundations any day of the week. She was bathed, dressed, prepared and beaten into submission until she was presented before her future lover. After a couple of days of exemplary treatment and a certain probing of her adequacy she was led into the back of a truck with no food and just a pair of knickers, driven into the desert for days that seemed like months. At some point Deidre believed this was her end but it was to imporatant to find Charles alive to die on all this know. The estate resembling a mirage with palmtress and lakes was equally opulent and if not for the chipped away paint oon the walls it woudv'e outdone the latter. She entered singlehandedly a bathing room with dozens of naked women gazing her threatfully and a couple of them doing biblically forbidden thins in the pool. There were all sorts of women, from the beautiful to the disgustin, the old to the young and the incredibly young and there was even a boy or too looking her ever like the hounds of hell waiting for their serving. It seemed to be paradise and the antecipation of what would happen next sort of aroused her but she decided to stick to a corner and remain there until she was called upon. And she was...
End of part 2