Deidre had it in her to burst out all the secrets trusted upon her by so many people, she always was a very trustworthy person but for the moment, given her current situation she had no respect of self containement, simply contempt for all that were letting her down. She loathed being entitled the prissy little girl you could rely on and was fed up with responsabillities she couldn't or even did not want to handle.
So right now a great number of persons were compromised by their ill fated deeds and on the path to disgrace for deidre would cough out all the grim details of her trustees sick life, lies and rascal rendez-vous.
The passing of days in suburbia was something of a camouflage to those on the other side of the picket fence and business was hard at work in all fronts, how people got to spill their beans or to get so sloppy as to fail in their concealment was beyond even Deidre herself. It all began with her own father who had turned their basement into an ilegal casino fully equipped with black jack tables and russian roulettes, even a team of créme uniformed dealers with a history of counting cards in the casino they used to work for. In the house right in front swing parties were organized with pledges of secrecy amongst practically everyone in the neighbourhood but the most disturbing was this lovely lady, Rebecca was her name, but Red ribonns was her reputation. She was an incredibly sex oriented and desirable person to look at but as it happens this made her a tad particular about her tastes. She would make videos of kids and teenagers in the neighbourhood and once in a while even invite them over to watch themselves over a glass of wine. As these sessions came to an end she would strip down to but one red ribbon protecting her most private and inapropriate expositions to these children aching with the possibility of opening their present. A gift from heaven, but the problem was she was so much for them that they lost taste for life and that one shot was all.
As banal and ordinary as ever if not for the day when all went wrong, Jim, a very well known kid around the neighbourhood also known for collecting a few cherries from the willing girls around the block. Jim was absolutely awe struck by what he had had and felt and was also very fearful for the video rebecca red ribbons had managed to collect of him and his stepmother in the pantry having it off like lions or rabbits. So he dared to go back, and she said she was done with him but he wouldn't have it and after some confrontations at the door witnessed only by our little angel with horns he stepped into the house. He hasn't been seen since and Becca the babe left town for a fortnight.
Deidre wouldn't settle for this due to her having also been willing towards Jim and although he had discarded of her promptly like all the rest she couldn't help thinking Jim couldn't have been so weak and so she got around and revisited her connections and her journal. Coming across a friend who said they had seen both of them together in Mexico she got a hold of her long time buddy and drove drown without a second of hesitation.
As she and Curly arrived in tijuana as last were spotted the dodgy duo she went around hotels asking about these people and was only informed that a month ago a lady and two teenage boys left a room with a couple of tapes and red ribonns, this man had heard something about Italy, about visiting a couple of similar friends with equal fixations and after some rounding up of money by some significant blackmailing letters to those back home they set off to Italy, Venice. There was always, and unfortnately not to deidre's knowledge a sort of understanding between her father and Becca and after she got wind of her being hunted she sent an email: Dearest Deidre, I trust you will believe I have nothing to do with the dissapearing of your friend Jim and can undoubtedly keep quiet on what I once showed and layed upon your lovely set of ears. But now you shall hear me out you little bitch, if you and your friend do not stop that quest of yours in due time I shall take matters into my own hand and dissapearances will increase so lay off for your own good. Yours Truly, Rebecca Braithwaite.
End of Part 1